There are official videos and recordings from shows and concerts of the band Euphorica. All official current videos of Euphorica are also available on Youtube channel "euphoricamusic" , where you can also find videos filmed by our fans and friends. Videos in gothic costumes are from the medieval events and town celebrations and videos in red and black costumes are from music festivals and public concerts.

Medieval videos of the band Euphorica

Videos in medieval historical gothic costumes were filmed in 2011 and came from the city Oslavany , where Euphorica played at the town celebration , which was at the castle. Unfortunately, there was not our percussionist, but you can find him on the videos from the music festival.

World music videos of the band Euphorica

The garden festival Under the apple threes was at suburb of the city Hradiško. Euphorica played here the repertoire of traditional songs from Europe and videos of that event is in the right column. Red and black costumes were only momentary idea, but we stayed at other festivals and concerts in " civies".

Promo video Euphorica by Google

We used an offer of Google for making short promo video about our music journey. For target of the spot, we used our success at the festival in the Spanish town Tortosa , that is one of our favorite events. The video was recorded in 2010.

Your videos ....

If you film us and you decide, that your video could be perfect for our web page, please, send it definitely to us and we will put it to our Youtube channel and the official web page.
home | contacto | web master Iva Šáøecová | diseòo Dávid Deutscha| php adviser Martin Pospíšil | copyright © Euphorica, 2010